马来西亚国际清真展 MIHAS 2024 圆满举行: The World’s Largest Halal Trade Fair Gears Up for Another Ground-breaking Edition MIHAS Wins Guinness World Records Award for The Largest Attendance for Halal Trade Show
2024 MIHAS第20届大马国际清真展开幕礼场面盛大。
吉隆坡,2024年9月17日星期二 — MIHAS 2024正朝着成为史上规模最大的清真贸易展迈进。作为全球最大的清真贸易展,本届活动预计将吸引超过40,000名访客。
从9月17日起至9月20日,为期4天的大马国际清真展,2024年大马国际清真展 (MIHAS 2024) 在马来西亚吉隆坡国际贸易展览中心 (MITEC) 圆满举行,除了汇聚来自全球66个国家的参展商家,同时也写下多项记录以及耀眼的业绩表现,大马清真产业在国际市场的领先地位始终稳固屹立!
第19届MIHAS 2023大马国际清真展成为首个获吉尼斯世界记录认可“参与人数最多”的清真展会,左起为理查马里肯、东姑扎夫鲁、贾斯汀及穆斯达法。
在9月17日9时的开幕礼,大马国际清真展,连续打破及新创多项傲人记录,进一步巩固及证明大马清真产业的领先地位及受到全球的高度认可。开幕礼上,吉尼斯世界记录代表贾斯汀宣布大马国际清真展成为首个获得吉尼斯世界记录认可“参与人数最多的清真展会”,共有来自世界各地的3万8566人参与展会。由投资、贸易及工业部主催、大马对外贸易发展局(MATRADE)主办,清真发展机构(HDC)、伊斯兰宗教发展局(JAKIM) 协办以及Qube Integrated Malaysia为展会管理。
此外,大会也特别设立第一个“国家清真发展领袖人物”(Tokoh Pembangunan HALAL Negara/National HALAL Development Icon),特别表彰我国第五任首相拿督斯里阿都拉巴达威高瞻远瞩,领先推动清真产业及开启国际清真展之路,为我国清真产业在国际市场的发展奠下重要基础。
MIHAS 2024大马国际清真展的展会管理单位Qube Integrated Malaysia执行董事张淞焰透露,该公司自2021年起连续3年担任国际清真展的展会管理,也见证这项由外贸发展局精心策划的盛会,经过19年的努力之后,正式被吉尼斯世界记录授予“世界最大清真博览会”。
MIHAS 2024将继续推动清真行业的增长,展示清真产品和服务的最新创新,从食品技术到可持续实践,为行业参与者提供交流和探索新发展的平台。此次展会还为国际参展商和与会者拓展全球清真产业的足迹,同时为本地公司进入新市场提供了一个通道。今年对拉丁美洲和非洲等非传统市场的扩展,将进一步扩大马来西亚在清真行业的影响力。
MIHAS 2024: The World’s Largest Halal Trade Fair Gears Up for Another Ground-breaking Edition
MIHAS Wins Guinness World Records Award for The Largest Attendance for Halal Trade Show
KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday, 17 September 2024 – MIHAS 2024, is heading towards becoming the largest ever edition. As the world’s largest Halal trade fair, this year’s event is expected to attract over 40,000 visitors and will feature a record of over 2,000 booths as well as international buyers and exhibitors from 66 countries who will participate in the showcase and International Sourcing Programme (INSP). Hosted by the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia (MITI) and organised by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), MIHAS 2024 is being held from 17 to 20 September 2024 at MITEC Kuala Lumpur.
At the Opening Ceremony, Yang Berhormat Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul Bin Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia (MITI), said that as the world’s largest international trade fair for Halal products and services, MIHAS has benefited nearly 17,000 Malaysian exporters and foreign buyers since its inception in 2004. ‘’It has generated almost RM25 billion in total sales, attracted 500,000 trade visitors and significantly elevated Malaysia’s profile on the global stage,” he added. MIHAS 2024 targets RM3.5 billion in sales.
China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Thailand are leading the way in international participation at MIHAS 2024, showcasing the event’s impressive global reach. With exhibitors from nearly every continent namely Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania, it demonstrates MIHAS’ status as a leading international event, drawing a diverse range of participants from across the globe.
One notable achievement this year is the fact that MIHAS won the Guinness World Records Award for The Largest Attendance for Halal Trade Show as it attracted 38,566 visitors during MIHAS 2023. ‘’MIHAS 2024 aims even higher as this exciting growth further cements MIHAS as the premier global Halal showcase, making it a not-to-be missed event for industry professionals worldwide,” said Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, the Chairman of MATRADE. Furthermore, he added that this year’s showcase will not only focus on business networking but also on innovation and sustainability. MATRADE’s commitment to technology is evident from its past achievements and ongoing efforts.
This includes receiving the 2022 WTPO award for “Best Use of Information Technology” for successfully hosting the virtual MIHAS 2021. In 2023, MIHAS further cemented its position as a premier international event by earning approval from UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. Another notable highlight of MIHAS 2024 is the presentation of the Anugerah Khas Tokoh Pembangunan Halal Negara to Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. This award recognises Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s significant contribution to the Halal industry, as well as celebrating his impact in inspiring future leaders.
MIHAS 2024, which includes its 13 existing clusters plus a new category - Halal Food Ingredients, will offer a diverse experience with not only the exhibition but also several key programs designed to enhance its impact. One such programme is the International Sourcing Programme (INSP) which will facilitate business meetings, connecting 330 international buyers with 800 Malaysian sellers. It targets a potential sourcing value of RM1.7 billion.
In addition, there is the MIHAS 2024 Hosted Buyers Programme which aims to foster strategic connections between 50 local buyers and international exhibitors, driving business transactions and enhancing networking opportunities.
According to Yang Berbahagia Datuk Mohd Mustafa Abdul Aziz, Chief Executive Officer of MATRADE, carefully selected and pre-qualified buyers will undergo a vetting process before being matched with exhibitors based on their specific industry needs, facilitated through online platforms and dedicated programme coordinators. “Around 250 business meetings have been pre-arranged for this programme which will take place from 17 to 19 September 2024,’’ he noted.
MIHAS will also be hosting the Knowledge Hub session on 19 September 2024. The “Meet the Experts” sessions aim at providing attendees with valuable insights from industry leaders and promoting innovation in the Halal economy. On the final day MATRADE will be hosting the MIHAS Awards to celebrate excellence within the industry, featuring categories such as the Excellence Products & Services Awards, the Innovative Products & Services Awards, and the new Sustainability Award, which recognises companies committed to integrating sustainability into their operations.
Together, these elements will elevate MIHAS 2024 as a premier event for business, knowledge and industry recognition. Moving forward, MATRADE will debut MIHAS@Dubai at the Middle East Organic and Natural Product Expo from 18 to 20 November 2024, marking the international expansion of its flagship Halal showcase. With a sales target of RM1.0 billion, this initiative will feature over 200 booths consisting ministries, agencies, state governments and SMEs, in a 2,000 sqm pavilion.
This strategic move underscores MIHAS’s growing global prominence and reinforces its position as a leading international platform. MIHAS 2024 will continue to drive growth in the Halal sector by showcasing the latest innovations in Halal products and services, from food technology to sustainable practices, providing a platform for industry players to exchange ideas and explore new developments. The showcase also broadens the global Halal footprint for international exhibitors and attendees, while serving as a gateway for local companies to enter new markets. This year’s expanded focus on non-traditional markets, including Latin America and Africa, will further extend Malaysia’s influence in the Halal industry.
